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![]() Material reprinted from the work of Dr. Gail Riplinger, AVPublications Click here to download a free PDF version of the "New Age Bible Versions" tract (Note: Rather than just provide a link to Dr. Gail Riplinger's website where the information below appears, I have chosen to reprint the information in the event Dr. Riplinger's website becomes unavailable in the future. This way, I am able to preserve this information on my own website to help continue providing the truthful message throughout the world.) Facts: 1. The oldest form of the Bible discovered to date are the 92 papyra, dated 180AD and 220AD and 85% of the text agrees word-for-word with the 1611 King James Bible. Only 15% agree with the other Bible versions. 2. Of the 5,200 Greek manuscripts that exist today, 99% of the text agrees word-for-word with the 1611 King James Bible. Only 1% agree with the other Bible versions. 3. Of all the Onicals (which is text written in block capital letters), 97% of the text agrees word-for-word with the 1611 King James Bible. Only 3% agree with the other Bible versions. 4. Of all the 2,000 Cursives (text written later in history when people began to write in long-hand), 99% of the text agrees word-for-word with the 1611 King James Bible. Only 1% agree with the other Bible versions. 5. Of all the 2,000 Lexicons, 100% of the text agrees word-for-word with the 1611 King James Bible. Only 0% agree with the other Bible versions. The Message The emerging "new" Christianity -- with its substitution of riches for righteousness, a crown for a cross, and an imitation for a new creation is shown to be a direct result of the wording in new Bible versions. Documents are the thousands of words, verses and doctrines by which new versions will prepare the apostate churches of these last days to accept the religion of the Antichrist -- even his mark, image, and Lucifer worship. The Manuscripts The Greek manuscripts, critical editions, lexicons and dictionaries behind the new versions are examined in Dr. Gail Riplinger's book "New Age Bible Versions" which is available at http://www.avpublications.com, revealing their occult origins, contents and yet unreleased material -- a blueprint for the Antichrist's One World Religion and government. Presented also is the latest research proving the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible represents not only Christianity's earliest and most widely used Greek text, but is the easiest version to read according to computer analysis based formulas from the Flesch-Kincaid research firm. Bible Comparisons Check the verses out for yourself.
Get out the Bible you are using now and compare the verses with the King
James Bible verse in the chart below. All scripture references are linked
so you can read the verse for yourself directly from the Bible.
(My personal interjection after studying Dr. Riplinger's materials): Do you think some of the examples above are only subtle differences? Don't allow Satan to blind you to the truth. For instance, there is a big difference between "men" and "holy men". All men are men, but only certain men can be labeled "holy." Also, a person can either be saved or unsaved. There is a difference between the two. Additionally, there is a huge difference between a "Spirit" and the "Holy Ghost." There are millions of different kinds of spirits including principalities, powers of darkness, haunting spirits, spirits invoked by alcohol and many, many more. However, the "Holy Ghost" is ONE identifiable spirit. In human understanding, it would be similar to identifying Elvis Presley as a "singer." There are millions of singers, but only one Elvis Presley. In the New Age Version, the "Holy Ghost" is reduced to just any old spirit and there is no identification as a single entity -- thereby reducing God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost to a lower rank. More Bible Comparisons The Antichrist will use the new versions
of the Holy Bible to set up his One World New Age Religion, with its mark
and worship of the Antichrist and the dragon:
Please note that all editions of the NIV and NASB are not the same. The AV 1611 King James Bible If you are unable to locate a copy of The King James Bible AV 1611 edition in order to compare the verses above to your Bible, click here to view the online version available on this website or click here to download the entire AV 1611 King James Bible in PDF format for reading offline. You must have Adobe Acrobat reader installed on your computer to view the PDF version. Click here and download this free reader if you do not have Adobe Acrobat reader. |