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The links that appear below are my personal favorites. Each one provides a wealth of knowledge to help you study God's Word so you can develop a better day-to-day relationship with Jesus Christ and learn His will for your life. No one paid to be listed here so you can be assured the links below are unbiased in their placement.  I ask God to direct your paths in your earnest search to know Jesus Christ and make Him the center of your life. You are a very unique person. There is a reason you were born on this planet. Eternity is forever -- but you will only be in this life normally less than 100 years. Time is short!  Find out God's will for your life and you will find joy, peace and love like you have never known. So get started now by visiting the links below.
m AV Publications -- As a university professor, Dr. Riplinger taught seventeen different courses and authored six college textbooks. Dr. Riplinger completed an exhaustive six-year, word-for-word collation (comparison) of the Holy Bible entitled "New Age Bible Versions." Get your copy today.
m Bible Baptist Bookstore -- This bookstore sells all of Dr. Ruckman's videos, books and artwork, including works by other Holy-Spirit filled men and women. From bumper stickers to videos that will change your life (it did for me), Dr. Ruckman's ministry has helped educate me in my walk with God.
m The Center for Scientific Creation -- If you like science, you will love this website. It provides scientific cases for creation through life sciences, astronomical and physical evidence, earth science an also provides information about other theories, including "The Hydroplate Theory."
m Chick Publications -- Read gospel tracks online and order some to give out as your testimony to Jesus Christ. Excellent variety of topics. English and other languages available.
m California Institute of Omniology -- This web site is "Dedicated to Academic Freedom", the free and open critical review, commentary, scholastic and educational research of theoretical and empirical science.
m CrossDaily.com -- has Web Search Sites where you can vote for this site & other great ones. Christian search engine, directory & voting index. You'll find Bible, chat, churches, jobs, music, reviews, software, theology, & more. See the best sites!
m Jeff Godwin -- A free, full-length video available to watch plus other excellent videos. Mr. Godwin specializes in exposing satanic symbols and other verses used in today's Christian rock music.
m Wallbuilders.Com -- Books, videos, audio's, CDs and lots of good information pertaining to rebuilding the constitutional, moral and religious heritage of America.
m Institute for Christian Research -- A Christ focused Creation ministry where science and the Bible are fully integrated. This is an excellent resource for those who enjoy the excitement of research.
m Rapture Ready -- A wide variety of articles concerning Biblical end time prophecy.
m Voice in The Wilderness Ministries -- An online study of the Biblical end times through the prophecy of Daniel, the book of Revelation, the rapture of the Church and the Mideast.